what's new in this release for smes?
Controlling the Visibility of mark name labels
Currently, SMES does not allow controlling the visibility of survey mark name labels. Hence, mark name labels are always visible. Due to the high density of survey marks in certain
areas, sometimes it becomes a bit difficult to identify individual survey marks.
In order to improve this situation, a "toggle" type control is added to the SMES map that will enable you to control the visibility of mark name labels as and when required. The state
of the control (placed at the top right hand corner of the map) will clearly indicate whether survey mark name labels are enabled or not.
SMES will always display the labels of marks that are selected, irrespective of the state of the control.
Survey Mark Search History
With this release of SMES, we have enabled SMES to automatically save your search history for survey mark information you search for. Below is a brief summary of this functionality:
- You need to be logged in to SMES, in order for SMES to be able to save your search history.
- Search history is saved only for searches performed using the "Survey Mark" search option.
- If you are logged in, SMES will automatically save each search you perform against your profile and these will be available the next time you log back in to SMES.
- SMES will save a maximum of 50 search requests. Once this limit is reached, SMES will start over-writing the oldest saved searches with your new ones.
- All search parameters you use in the survey mark search screen will be saved with each search you perform.
- To re-use a previously saved search, simply select it from the saved list. The search will be performed automatically when you select it from the list and all the paramters you used will be populated into the relevant fields.
Customising the Survey Mark Selection Window
The "Survey Mark Selection" window offers the ability to customise the layout of this window. You are able to show or hide columns and you are also able to re-arrange the order
of the columns to suit your desired preference. However, until now, any changes made to this window were lost the moment you closed the window.
As part of this release of SMES, we have enabled SMES to save any changes you make to the layout of the "Survey Mark Selection" window. Now you can change the layout of this
window to suit your ideal preference and SMES will save your layout against your profile. This means that each time you open the window, it will always be in the layout you
left it in. Each time you change the layout, SMES will save the changes.
Please note that you need to be logged in to SMES in order for SMES to be able to save the changes made to the layout of the mark selection window.